Sunday, May 15, 2011

Extreme Budgeting: 17 meals with $45

I am very cost effective and often times you may see an 'extreme budgeting' themed post. I have to really think about every dollar that goes out of my household and make sure it's purposeful because right now, I need to provide for my son and I also want to expose him to activities and things that he enjoys.

So back to the goal... I wanted to plan 17 meals (May 13-May 30) with $45.

I should preface this by saying, I did have quite a bit of things already in my fridge and freezer so that helped.

Between 2 stores, I spent $44.78! Yay!

How I did it? I went through my pantry, fridge and freezer and took stock of what I had. I then opened up MS excel and created a basic calendar to create a meal plan. I listed all the core items I had on hand and then went to to find some menu ideas and then Viola! 17 meals.

I only shopped for what I needed and I stuck to the list.... well, with the exception of a bottle of two buck chuck from trader joes!

Bleu :o)

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