Today, my darling son, woke me up at the ass crack of dawn! by tipping into my room and getting under the covers; I allowed it of course. I figured, as long as he turns over and goes to sleep, not a problem. But that wasn't the case. Instead, he played with my hair, tossed and turned and then started singing... wtf??
On a school day, I can't pry him out of bed, but on Saturday you want to wake up at 6am and harass me? And was it just me or did I start to smell old urine?
After 20 minutes, I had enough. I was so tired from staying up all night catching up on my TV shows; I made him go to the bathroom and then back to his own bed.
I heard peeing but it sounded so close, almost like he was in my bathroom. (Which, is a no no; he has his own bathroom and my toilet is free from urine and smells great and I like to keep it that way. Thank goodness for cleaning wipes, that's the only way to stay on top of cleaning his toilet).
I try to listen for the faucet indicating he was washing hands; it felt like 10 minutes went by and I hear nothing. What the heck is he doing!!??
I sit up, look at the clock (6:30am) and I say calmly..."Wash, your hands and go back to sleep". btw... he is in my bathroom, but I'm too tired to care.
He washes his hands, walks past my bed to his room starring at me, like I just stole his bike!
I lay back down, find my stuffed dog under the covers and cuddle up (yes, I sleep with a stuffed animal, I am single)
I drift back into sleep only to hear... 'Mommy!! about 10 minutes later.
R U Serious!? I look at the clock... really?? I answer him and he asked to come back in my bed. I tell him, no go back to sleep.
I end up getting up at 7:45am and I go into his room and he's fast asleep, snoring and all. Thanks a lot DS! You get me up and then go back to sleep? Oh well.
He doesn't get up til 9:50am, I let him sleep in because I had emails to catch up on and love that free time in the mornings to myself.
So we begin our day. It's Saturday and it's beautiful out. I planned on going to a festival, but it was too late to find parking. I needed to do something free. I decided to take DS to Clocksmith, a clock shop that specializes in vintage/antique clocks. DS has had a clock obsession since he was 2 years old.

(this is the website photo, I forgot my camera and it was too bad, they had some awesome clocks)
Of course, he loved the clock shop and the cuckoo clocks were his favorite. We got there at 12:30 and hung around til 1pm to hear all the clocks go off. That was actually cool; the dings, the gongs, the dongs and the melody's all at one time; it was great. The owner said to come next time a few minutes before 11am or 12noon, the place is really jumping then with plenty of sound.
DS wanted me to buy a clock; but these clocks average $1k, so that was not an option today; especially on free day!
Next stop was Crystal Springs to ride scooters.

(website photo... there is a paved trail along the reservoir)
That was fun too. I packed a snack that included leftover cupcakes. How obnoxious when everyone else was running, jogging, roller blading, walking... but I just had to get rid of them.
Then back home. I made a nice snack of shrimp salad and a glass of white wine. So delicious.
(My camera is so bad, it just will not capture the true beauty of things)
Savings Alert: Safeway has red leaf lettuce on sale for .99cents per head; it usually retails for $2.69.
My shrimp salad recipe is very simple and easy and it taste pretty good. I do it all by sight, so I don't have actual measurements down.
Get fresh or frozen salad shrimp, miracle whip (I start with a tablespoon and then add as needed) and about 2 stalks of green onion, diced. I also do a squirt of French's mustard. Mix and chill and top on whatever you like.
DS hates shrimp, so I made him some GF pasta and sauce.
I really had a great day and we had a lot of fun.
Tonight, it's DVD night, we are watching The Incredibles and having turkey burgers with homemade fries.
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