DS responds more to positive reinforcement. One method that works well for us is a token system. I keep it basic by rewarding positive behaviors with a token. If we are going to be in a store for a while, I give DS the rules before we get into the store and remind him of what's at stake. It typically works.
I tried to get a little creative and added onto this method. DS has been into pirates and treasures lately, so I found a container that can pass for a treasure chest and told DS when he gets 6 tokens, he gets a map to find a hidden treasure chest.
In the chest I have faux diamonds, rubies, sapphires, money, etc... It's still a work in progress, so I'm adding other treasures as I find them. I then add a surprise in the chest (something he normally doesn't get; candy or a special toy). The map is a hand drawn map of our house and I mark an X to where the treasure is hidden. This is great skill building too, because he has to use the map to find the treasure.
It's a hit because the prize is always different and so is the location. Eventually the token system will turn into money when he gets a bit older, but for now it works.
The token chart is hanging on his wall in his room. Tokens are pictures of things he's into, instruments, trains, etc...
What a clever idea - to motivate all kids. I love that you position it as a token system, and also, that he - and you - will recognize the treasure to be found by executing on the skills and behaviors you're trying to achieve.
Thanks BLW :) I'm really happy with this is so effective. When he gets back from his dad's house, he says 'Mommy I was good! I get a token and 5 more and then we find the treasure!'.