I am so proud of myself. So yesterday I ran with my running club (I feel so official now!.. lol) and today I went to the gym and worked it out!!!! Here's what I did (Upper and Lower 3 reps of every exercise--I also so supersets).
~10 minute warm up on step mill (great for the booty)
~Smith Machine Squat (another good butt exercise)
~Barbell dead lifts (can there ever be too many butt exercises?? I don't think so!)
~Barbell bicep curls
~Seated Military Press
~ Tricep dips
~ Sumo squats with dumbbell (ladies, your rear end will be amazing, I promise!)
~ 3 position curtsy squats with middle squat
~ plank for 1 minute
I feel so strong! And the running is helping with the endurance. I also purchased Designer Whey and made a protein smoothie.
1/2 cup of Zero Vitamin Water
1/2 cup of cold water
1 banana
4 strawberries
2 tablespoons of blueberries
1 scoop of strawberry flavored designer whey
It was pretty good!
Tomorrow morning, gonna try and run 5K without walking! in 30 minutes. Then off to celebrate the 4th with friends.
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